Year To Year Financials
SUN Scholars is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that has exponentially grown since our inception. Starting in 2019, we have generated revenue via procurement initiatives (such as contracts), grassroots donors and grants to fund the various needs and functions of our organization. For each year of our existence, our revenues have grown by over 1,000%, which demonstrates the need for our services within our community. Moreover, our usage rate of our funds has never been below 81.406% of our total resources with the most recent year being at 91.359%. This shows our efficient allocation of funds and how we continually use them to support the mission of the SUN organization. Although this level of unprecedented growth is not anticipated to occur every year, it clearly demonstrates the impact on people’s lives that we have had in the short time that we have been here.
Sun scholars inc 990 tax form hyper links
2021 990EZ
2020 990EZ
2019 990EZ