SUN’s Flagship Program: Changing the Odds
Nationally, only 3-7% of individuals who have experienced foster care graduate college. We aim to change those odds through our flagship program, headquartered in and serving the great state of Connecticut!
Founded in 2017 and officially incorporated as a nonprofit organization in 2019, SUN Scholars Inc. is built and staffed entirely by individuals with lived experience in foster care, with an intention of being a part of the community we serve. Through academic coaching, mentorship, and career guidance, SUN is proud to share that over 30% of our students go on to earn a bachelor’s degree. More so, all graduates of SUN have gone on to either pursue graduate school or employment in their field.
Our program model is grounded in evidence-based practices and the mentality that we are intrsinically part of the community we are serving.
Our Services
Students in Connecticut are elligible for SUN Scholars Inc. services if they meet the following criteria:
1.) The student is between the ages of 18 - 24.
2.) The student is voluntarily committed to the Department of Children & Families with a college plan or the student was adopted through foster care after the year of 2005 in Connecticut.
3.) The student has been accepted into a college, university, or trade program.
SUN Student Support Coordinators: Relationship First Mentality
SUN considers all of our students future colleagues, and will treat you with the respect one deserves! We believe that you should enjoy the person you work and learn from, and keep a longstanding committment to our students. We typically meet 2-4 times per month at a place that is convenient to the student, typically within your community or at your college/university. More so, we will work with students from the time that you start college unitl the time that you gradate through academic coaching, career guidance, and mentorship.